Visual Communication - Bachelors

The Climber Primer

In the aim of creating highly accessible education for new climbers, “Betarus” as the established brand, offers an engaging 18-page zine titled “The Climber Primer”, in both physical and digital formats, that provides both an insightful overview of all bouldering basics, and an entertaining piece of material for viewer perusal.

Why the climber primer?

aim and intention

In the bouldering space, an illusory gap between experienced and casual climbers presents a misleading perception of an exclusive and intimidating environment; individualised aspects of climbing are not taught systemically at a first time, and is instead information gained only through submersion into the subculture. A limited awareness of climbing beyond just recreational value contributes to segregation between groups of climbers, even though they form the same unique community. As such, an overall deliverable that entails the prime purpose of accessible education, provided by Betarus for external climbing venues, was the optimal approach in targeting the issue at hand.

behind the brand

Betarus is built on the grounds of inclusion, passion, and wellbeing. Valuing the welcoming aspect of the climbing community, any chance to uplift those who stand on this common ground, or climb the common walls, is taken eagerly. The zine was designed to have detailed contents that cover a range of areas necessary for any first time or casual climber. It is intended that this will aid in bridging the gap identified as the cause of exclusion in the climbing community, aligning with Betarus’ company values.

zine style guide

Style guide
Front cover of zine

use the image slider below to preview all zine pages

digital zine

A digital version of the zine was created with the intention for online viewing. Certain elements were animated to enhance the visual effect appropriate for a digital format. Watch a flip-through:

Kara Cazzola

Kara Cazzola is a designer with a passion for expressive creation. A third-year student in the Bachelor of Design, Kara's design work stems from a keen fascination with all things that hold transportive power. She wishes to explore the ways in which emotion, functionality and vitality can be surfaced by way of visual communication.